Thursday, April 7, 2011

It's Spring

The calendar says it is spring, but we had a light dusting of snow last night, the weather is cold and the only thing that convinces me it is Spring is the long row of trees fluttering their pink skirts.  It happened over night.  So, I at once looked out my back door and sure enough, my forsythia brought a ray of sunbshine into the dark and rainy morning..

I thought of all the old people that didn't look for beauty in the day.  Those who say there is nothing to do.  That is why I wrote my first book, "Get Out of Heaven's Waiting Room." 

A friend of mine was telling me about her mother who wanted to move, becauese all the people in her neighborhood were  living in Heaven's Waiting Room, saying there was nothing to do and just waiting to die.  That is when I decided to write a book.  It is very simple and easy to read.  I wrote a list of essays and then added a list after each one suggesting things a person might choose to do.

My book os available from Xulon Press or you can take my ISBN # 978-1-60647-515-7 to any bookstore and they will order it for you.  If you or someone you know needs ideas, I hope my book will offer some.  I am including one eassy to give you an idea of what I wrote.

                                  Give it a Try

How often have you shied away from something you have always wanted to do, but felt you didn't have the talent to perform?  Did you always want to be a master gardener?  Was the great American novel just waiting to be written when you took up your  pencil and began to write?  Did you always dream of teaching something that you were really good at, but feared getting up and speaking to others?  Would you like to act and be the ham you are always accused of being?

I urge you to try one of  your secret desires.  If you're unsure, start with small steps.  No one expects you to begin as a professional the first time you pick up a pen or turn over your first shovel of dirt.  Take classes in your area of interest.  If classes are not available, read up on the subject.  The library has books on any topic you can imagine.  Also, everything is on the internet at the touch of a button.  You may also know someone who excels in your particular field.  Most people will be honored to have you ask for their help.

At college I was told I should be an artist, an art teacher, an art critic or many other professions related to art.  Because I had never drawn in my life and because I didn't think I could draw, I took no art classes.

When I turned 70 I decided to take an art class that was being offered to senior citizens at our local community college.  Now, at 85 I am having the time of my life doing watercolor and colored pencil pictures.  Am I a natural born artist?  No, just a person who is still taking classes, learning and having a ball.  One down on my bucket list.

The important thing is to try.  It will do one of two things.  Either you will be so thrilled that you will feel as if you have just begun to live, or you will find that you are not as interested as you thought you were.  If that is the case, yoyu can drop the class and know that you no longer have to wish you had don it. 

I was going to include the list of suggestions to this article, but I have writtern so much I think I will let you go for now.l

Have a great life, find something to be joyful about this Spring, and Have fun working on your bucket list.

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